Tonight we will be serving with the local university Campus Crusade by sharing testimonies, songs, and speaking to the students. We all will be looking for opportunities to share the love of Christ to non-believers and encourage those who have already given their lives to Christ.
We ask for your continued prayers. For tonight's event. For our safety in traveling. And for the process of returning to America and re-engaging in our own culture.
This picture sums up our attitudes throughout this trip. Joyful service!
This picture shows the road we traveled each day to reach a rural community outside the city of San Ignacio.
And this picture shows a few moments of much needed rest during our work.
I'm so glad we came to Bolivia. But I'm also excited to return. I want to see my kids. And I also want to tell people what we've been doing and how God has worked in Bolivia and changed us in the process. And I want to have a stronger commitment to serving in my own community... with my own church... in a place where God is already working... and where I have the privilege to be a part of and see Him do marvelous works.
See you soon!
Grady Peeler
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