Sunday, May 27, 2012

We're on flight home!

The day of departure has arrived. It seems like so long ago that we arrived in Bolivia, yet it was only a short week ago. This place has definitely grown on us and our goodbye's last night and this morning were tear-filled.  It is amazing how a brief yet concentrated and intense experience can bring people together so quickly. Especially when it is routed in love and service for Christ!

After everyone drug themselves out of bed at around 5:30am, we loaded the truck with our luggage and headed to the airport.  We prayed once more with our hosts, gave final hugs, and trudged into security. After an uneventful parade through security and immigration (praise God!), we enjoyed a wonderful cinnabun, prepared and sent with us by one of our hosts, just before we boarded. Lord willing, we'll be landing at midnight tonight! We appreciate your prayers during the final leg of our journey.

Here we come Charlotte!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Cannot WAIT to hear what God has done in and through this group. We have missed Heather immensely and have prayed for all of you throughout the week. Praying that you all never forget this trip and how God worked. See you all in a few hours! PS Nice picture, Sean! Sure looks like you are enjoying that cinnabon!! LOL
